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å ڵ Ȱ λ ڵ̴. ڵ ̷ ̵ ̻ ʰ Ȱ λ ϸ ȸ ֵ å ϰ Ǿ.
ܼ ̳ ۱ Ͽ å д ڰ Ӹθ ϰ ϴ å ƴϴ. ϱ ˾ƾ ʼ Ű带 ϱ Ʈ ְ, Ű õ ̿ õ ˷ν λ Ű带 Ӹ ϰ, ̸ , õ ǻȰ Ͽ ൿν ϱ ̷迡 ֵ Ͽ.
߿ ȹ ǹ̰ . ִ.
ϰ ? ̷ ٴ°? ڽ ٲٰ ?
ٸ å о. õ϶!!
λ ȹ ̴.
1 Success and Ardor
̷ Future 12
ȹ Plan 14
Improvement 16
Dream 18
Experience 20
Dollar 22
õ Practice 24
Deliberate 26
Failure 28
ų Belief 30
糭 Disaster 32
Learning 34
Glory 36
ױ Harbor 38
ȭ Change 40
ȣ Curiosity 42
Innovation 44
Achievement 46
Direction 48
Extraordinary 50
Race 52
ֹ Obstacle 54
Passion 56
Business 58
Success 60
λ Life 62
2 γ Patience and Effort
ݼ Reflection 66
Habit 68
Pain 70
γ 1 Patience 72
γ 2 Perseverance 74
ȥ Distraction 76
Conquer 78
Teaching 80
ȲȦ Thrill 82
Abuse 84
Talent 86
־ Worst 88
Ʒ Exercise 90
dz Storm 92
Problem 94
ܿ Winter 96
ϴ Surrender 98
Rainbow 100
Destiny 102
3 ݰ Joy and Sorrow
ູ Happy 106
Hope 108
Gift 110
Fun 112
Pleasure 114
Love 116
߾ Recollection 118
Moment 120
Fortune 122
Travel 124
Memory 126
г Wrath 128
Content 130
4 ΰ Human relations
纸 Concession 134
Modesty 136
Gratitude 138
ǻ Communication 140
Intelligence 142
Self-respect 144
Respect 146
Promise 148
ģ Company 150
Ƿ Power 152
Spoon 154
Teacher 156
Heart 158
Ƹ Echo 160
ڽŰ Confidence 162
ȹ Acquisition 164
Wisdom 166
ǽ Doubt 168
Fair 170
ݷ Encouragement 172
Care 174
ϴ Treat 176
뼭 Forgiveness 178
Pray 180
Civility 182
Home 184
Sympathy 186
5 ھƽ Self –actualization
Insight 190
Present 192
Enlightment 194
Wealth 196
ǹ Obligation 198
Tragedy 200
ȸ Detour 202
Relax 204
Conformity 206
㼳 Rehearsal 208
Ѱ Limit 210
߿ Important 212
Paradise 214
Luck 216
¸ Victory 218