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Smart Computing ô   zEnterprise

Smart Computing ô zEnterprise

<ѱIBM z Ʈ> | ѱ̽ýֽȸ

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IBM zEnterprise ý۰ ַ Open Systemμ  Smart Computing ϵ ϴ ϰ å ߰ϰ Ǿϴ.

Part 1. 48 ̷ 11
1.1 (System z) 48 11
1.1.1 IBM (System z) 11
1.1.2 (System z) ǻ ȯ 11
1.1.3 1964 (System z) 12
1.1.4 1970 (System z) S/370 14
1.1.5 1980 SAMOS(Silicon and Aluminum Metal Oxide Semiconductor) 16
1.1.6 1990 S/390 17
1.1.7 2000 System z 19
1.2. (System z) ̷ 22
1.2.1 Ͻ ȯ ȭ 22
1.2.2 (System z) Ư 23
1.2.3 (System z) 25
Part 2. (System z) ؿ 26
2.1 Unix ٿ¡ ϴ°? 26
2.2 (System z) ؿ 27
Part 3. Business Driverμ IT 32
3.1 Ͻ ΰ IT 32
3.1.1 ó 32
3.1.2 Business Driverμ IT 33
3.1.3 Business Driverμ z ÷ Ư¡ 34
3.2 Consolidation 36
3.2.1 36
3.2.2 Consolidation 37
3.2.3 System z Consolidation 38
3.2.4 Consolidation on System z 40
3.3 Resiliency 43
3.3.1 43
3.3.2 ߵ ÷ 43
3.3.3 ٽ ϵ Ư¡ 45
3.3.4 Ʈ Ư¡ 47
3.4 Cost Effectiveness 52
3.4.1 52
3.4.2 л꼭 ȯ 52
3.4.3 System z 54
Part 4. System z ÷ 56
4.1 System z ϵ Ư¡ 56
4.1.1 56
4.1.2 zEnterprise Ư¡ 61
4.1.3 μ (Processor Unit) 63
4.1.4 Memory 63
4.1.5 ä ġ (Channel subsystem) 64
4.1.6 ϵ ܼ (Hardware Management Console: HMC) 65
4.1.7 Intelligent Resource Director (IRD) 65
4.1.8 ȣȭ 66
4.2 System z ü(z/OS) Ư¡ 67
4.2.1 ü(Operating System) 67
4.2.2 z/OS 68
4.2.3 z/OS 75
4.2.4 丮 ٸ (System z) 76
4.2.5 ũε ΰ? 98
4.2.6 I/O 101
4.2.7 ýۿ ۾ 102
4.2.8 ũν ޸ 112
4.2.9 z/OS Ư¡ 113
4.2.10 ý۰ ǰ ޽鿡 114
4.2.11 м 119
4.2.12 z/OS ٸ System z  ý۵ 120
4.2.13 z/OS UNIX 120
4.2.14 z/OS Ʈ ǰ 123
4.2.15 z/OS ̵ 124
4.2.16 z/OS ο 125
4.2.17 127
Part 5 System z Ʈ 134
5.1 Transaction Management Systems on z/OS : CICS 134
5.1.1 Batch Processing? OLTP(Online Transaction Processing)? 134
5.1.2 Transaction Management System ̶? 135
5.1.3 TPM Market Share IBM CICS 136
5.1.4 CICS 137
5.1.5 Business 141
5.2 Database management systems on z/OS : DB2 132
5.2.1 DB2 for z/OS 132
5.2.2 DB2 for z/OS Ư 132
5.3 Websphere Application Server on z/OS 132
5.3.1 Websphere Application Server ΰ. 132
5.3.2 Websphere Application Server Components 132
5.3.3. z/OS Ǵ Websphere Application Server 132
5.4 Messaging and Queuing: MQ 132
5.4.1 132
5.4.2 MOM(Message-Oriented Middleware) 132
5.4.3 MOM Market Share IBM WebSphere MQ 132
5.4.4 WebSphere MQ Ư 132
5.4.5 WebSphere MQ 132
5.4.6 WebSphere MQ on z/OS 132
5.4.7 Business 132
5.5 Ͽ콺 м, ý 132
5.5.1 Enterprise Data Warehouse ּ 132
5.5.2 Enterprise Data Warehouse ⼺ 132
5.5.3 EDW/BI 嵿 132
5.5.4 ̺긮 뷮 м ý 132
5.6 Websphere Business Process Management on z/OS 132
5.6.1. Websphere Business Process Management ΰ? 132
5.6.2. Websphere Business Process Management Components 132
5.6.3. z/OS Ǵ Websphere BPM 132
5.7 ý Management 132
5.7.1 System Management Ұ 132
5.7.2 z/OS System management ġ 132
5.7.3 IBM ǻ â 132
5.7.4 (Self-configuring) 132
5.7.5 ڱġ(Self-Healing) 132
5.7.6 ڱ ȭ(Self-optimizing) 132
5.7.7 ڱ⺸ȣ(Self-protecting) 132
5.7.8 End-to-end ý 132
5.8 :Rational Developer for System z 132
5.8.1 132
5.8.2 (System z) ư ΰ? 132
5.8.3 ڷ ٴ - ? 132
5.8.4 Rational Developer for System z 132
5.8.5. ο ȯ ġ ȭο ư 132
Part 6. System z 132
6.1 غ ̷ - IBM zEnterprise 132
6.1.1 Ŭ on System z 132
6.1.2 System of Systems.. System z 132
6.1.3 װ԰ 뱺 132
6.1.4 CIO ٶ ý 132
6.2 ô - zEnterprise 132
6.3 Success Story 132
6.3.1 BG-Phoenics GmbH (IT ü, ) 132
6.3.2 Nationwide Insurance(ü, ̱) 132
Appendix: Reference 132


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